tanjungrejo berasal dari kata tanjung dan rejo. suatu hari, anak dari mbah lurah somenggolo pergi ke hutan sebelah selatan dari rumah mereka. di hari sabtu ia menemukan tumbuhan yang banyak ditumbuhi bunga bunga berkelompok. anak mbah lurah menanam tumbuhan tersebut di depan rumahnya. satu bulan kemudian, banyak warga yang berkunjung dan tinggal di daerah tersebut. akhirnya, daerah tersebut dinamakan desa tanjungrejo.
tanjungrejo comes from the words tanjung and rejo. one day, the son of mbah lurah somenggolo went to the forest south of their house. on saturday he found a plant that was overgrown with flowers in clusters. the son of the village head planted the plants in front of his house. one month later, many residents visited and lived in the area. finally, the area was named tanjungrejo village.
Last Update: 2022-02-08 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous
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semua acara olahraga utama, termasuk pertandingan sepak bola seri a, akan diadakan secara tertutup hingga april, tetapi pada 9 maret, semua olahraga ditangguhkan sepenuhnya selama setidaknya satu bulan.
all major sporting events, including serie a football matches, were to be held behind closed doors until april, but on 9 march, all sport was suspended completely for at least one month.
Last Update: 2020-08-25 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous
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